More What I learned from Knox

July 4, 2007
1:10 AM

I have learnt that words often aren't enough and sometimes are too much.
I have learnt that prayer is a gift beyond measure that God has given for such times as this.
I have learnt that saying goodbye is heartwrenching, looking foward to hello too painful to think about.
I have learnt that God is a gracious God who did not leave Heaven a secret.
I have learnt that the rain falls on us all.
I have learnt to weep and groan for my sisters here and to thank God for their love and support, togetherness and willingness to share and carry each others burdens.
I have learnt more about a lovely little boy named Knox whose bright smile, bright locks and bright personality brightened the days of grief. What a dear little fellow and what a gift,

I have learned to hug my children a little tighter, keep them a little closer, and pray for them more continually.

I have learned that life can change in the blink of an eye - but even in the darkest night, even when it makes NO sense, God is holding us tight and He is still in control and even such things as this work together for *good* to those who love the Lord.

I have learned that when I can't pray, God hears the groanings of my heart.

I have learned that our lives really are not our own.

I have learned how fast life can change.

I have learned to enjoy my children more.

I have learned how comforting God's goodness and sovereignty are in a time like this. Even when I don't understand and still wish for Knox to be in his mama's arms instead of God's right now...that this was His good and perfect plan and it helps knowing that.

I have learned that God was with Knox every moment, and that he was not alone when he died. Crying or Very sad

I have learned that you can deeply love and grieve over one you have never met.

I have learned that my grief cannot compare in any way to the grief Rachel and Jon have felt and feel, and that reality makes me groan all the more for them in prayer.

I have learned that the church is a great blessing in time of need.

I have learned to long for heaven a little bit more.

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