9:42 PM
I lifted this from Matt's blog since he was selfish enough to keep it to himself(just repeating what he says ;) ) mainly because this event coincides with the Just Because pictures below and they were taking the same night as his introduction to the Huggie Puck--even though we don't use Huggies.
The advances in diaper technology in recent years are nothing short of amazing. From the days when Adam and Eve (I would imagine) wrap young Cain and Abel in loincloths of animal skin, through the centuries of cloth, to the current halcyon days of disposables, Man’s capabilities for meeting a need and subsequently improving upon it exponentially are quite impressive.
In fact, the permutations of disposable diapers are many in and of themselves; those my daddy used for me (after a short phase with cloth which, to his dismay, neither saved him time nor labour—yuck!) were quite a bit different from the typical diaper of to-day. For example, in addition to b ein g light years ahead of their predecessors in absorbency, to-day’s disposable diapers are equipped with tabs that may be repositioned and adjusted without compromising their utility. Back in the Old Days (in my case, the early 1970’s), the tabs were much like band-aids; once the plastic paper was peeled from them and they were applied to the diaper, that was where they stayed. Oh, you could attempt to remove and reposition them but you did so at your own—and the diaper’s—peril.
But perhaps the most fascinating aspect of Modern Diapery is the manner in which they may be disposed of. Because the tabs may be unfastened and reapplied, a dirty diaper can be neatly folded into a tight, semi-sanitary, ‘puck’ (pictured above). Thus, they are compact, transportable (when necessary), and not nearly as fraught with possible disasters (again, yuck!).
As a young man some years ago, I would NEVER have considered myself a candidate for Huggie Puck construction. However, I have become quite adept at it. I remember my introduction to the practise, thanks to Rachel Anderson. (NB: I should probably have given her this story for her Knox’s Memories blog—but I am feeling a bit selfish at the moment!) As the Anderson van prepared to pull away after a cook-out at Covenanter Ranch for my birthday the year before last, Rachel ran back up to the house asking if she could throw something away. I told her I would do it and, with some reservation, she stuck her hand out to me—replete with a tightly-packed dirty diaper (what I have coined as the ‘Huggie Puck’). ‘Are you sure you want to throw it away?’ she asked. ‘Sure,’ said I, and I walked to the trash can with something I would become very familiar with in the coming days. I would become VERY familiar with it. (And I know that there are a lot of mamas and daddies reading this who can identify with me!)
And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.
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